My Beef With Fairy Tail

screen-shot-2016-09-24-at-12-36-44My beef with the Anime Fairy Tail runs deeps. I want to love this series. More than you know. If you take a look at my favourite anime 7/10 of them are Shonen action. So it’s not like I was predisposed to hate the series and I don’t actually hate the series. I’m almost 100 episodes in and I’m still going. I just dislike it. I get why people like it but whenever I here someone recommend it I just feel the need to watch something better. The main reason I dislike it so much is the characters. With the exception of maybe Erza all the characters are just boring or over used tropes. They each only have a few stand out moments, the rest of the time they feel like these characters are in the wrong setting. At the start of most arcs my hope for the series is revitalised with the hope that it’ll finally get good, because Fairy Tail does have some great stories and ideas but it doesn’t properly execute on most of them and I feel there’s not better place to start than with the main character himself, Natsu.

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